Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy V-day

I am very happy today... No its not coz its V-day and i have a date :( This year like every year, I am sitting at home and maybe will go out in d evening with my equally lukha friends. But i am happy for a different reason... The girl who has followed me for 6 years has finally got to her senses and is getting married :D

Let me go on a long flashback....

First year of college and my friend Ameya, has a big time crush on a girl Miss P. But as is the case with most normal guys, he cant get any way close to impress her.

It is event night and all of us are waiting for the fashion show... which has the hunks/chicks from our class participating. Miss G, P's friend, receives a call from her father "What are you doing out so late? If you dont get back home in an hour, stay out"

She starts crying and as P stays close to G's place, she decides to go as well. Now these girls stay far off from our college, so traveling alone late night is not advisable. Obviously Ameya volunteers to help and he asks me to join in. As a loyal wingman, I agree (although i wanted to watch the chicks on stage, I sacrifice). Then it was the routine, we escorted the girls home and went back home, thinking all long, that our boy Ameya has nailed it.

Knight in armor
Next day, we walk into college and my best friend Miss R, walks up to me and tells me P's got a big crush on me. She supposedly felt i was the Knight who rescued her..Hah. This shocks me and shatters Ameya's world. How could his wingman steal his thunder? I am puzzled and not excited, she was never my type :(

Over the next 3 years of college, she tried everything she could to impress me, which includes:
- Picking up a fight with my best friend R, accusing her of being responsible for us not being together.
- Sitting in a Giant Wheel with me, when she is scared of heights and then crying :(
(And she planned to get flowers for me the next day, thinking I was embarrassed. Bless R for shooting it down)
- Learning my native language

After all this and numerous smaller attempts over 3 years, college was over and I was free. She moved to a different city and I never met her again. But then distance does not help. She dug out my mobile number and made sure she sent an SMS on any big occasion. The usual senti forwards continued.

Every year on V-Day she would message me and ask me my marriage plans. Every year I would ignore it. This year she messaged me again... but she told me she had found someone who loved her too :) Now they are planning to get married in May. I am happy for them and most importantly for myself.

Good luck to you Miss P and have a Happy married life :)

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine Day